RTI is a form of supplemental instruction provided in tiers. It involves the "systematic implementation of a research-based intervention for the child who struggles - an evaluation of the child's response to it - as part of a process of determining whether special education may be warranted." (Owocki 2010)
Whole class instruction/Small group instruction
What is, likely, already happening in your classroom
Starts with a flexible curriculum that addresses the needs of all students
Monitor student progress over time
Students who receive extra support should spend their time READING as opposed to focusing on an isolated skill
With high-quality instruction, typically 80% of students will show gains in core instruction
Designed for students who aren't making progress in the classroom with regular instruction
Identified through universal screening measures (i.e. DIBELS, MAP, etc.)
Offered, IN ADDITION TO, Tier 1 - Ideally outside of regular reading instruction
20-40 minutes of extra support from the classroom teacher or literacy specialist
10-15% of students will benefit from this level of instruction
Instruction usually occurs outside of the classroom by a specialist
Intense instruction
Individualized instruction
Approximately 5-10% of students will benefit from this level of instruction